Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Elizabeth Parcells & Felix Justen  Bist du bei mir by JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH  More Songs 
 2. Elizabeth Parcells & Felix Justen  Präludium E Dur by JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH  More Songs 
 3. Elizabeth Parcells & Felix Justen  Sarabande by JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH  Hodie Christus Natus Est 
 4. Elizabeth Parcells & Felix Justen  O Jesulein suess by JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH  Hodie Christus Natus Est 
 5. Elizabeth Parcells & Felix Justen  Dir, dir Jehova, will ich singen by JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH  More Songs 
 6. Die Zweite Heimat  Weihnachtsoratorium, Arie Nr. 4 [Johann Sebastian Bach]  O.S.T. (Disc 2) 
 7. Alexander Vynograd  Johann Sebastian Bach Toccata for clavier in D Minor BWV 913  Eight String Acoustic Guitar 
 8. Todd Wilken  5 Pastor Paul McCain on Johann Sebastian Bach  Issues, Etc. 
 9. Elizabeth Parcells & Felix Justen  Ihr Gestirn, ihr hohen luefte by JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH  Hodie Christus Natus Est 
 10. Elizabeth Parcells & Felix Justen  Wie schoen leuchtet der Morgenstern by JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH  Hodie Christus Natus Est 
 11. Elizabeth Parcells  Chorale and Alleluja from Cantata 51 by JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH  In Concert 
 12. Elizabeth Parcells  Wir beten zu dem Tempel an from Cantata 51 by JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH  In Concert 
 13. Elizabeth Parcells & Felix Justen  Wilst du dein Herz mir schenken by JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH  More Songs 
 14. Ludwig van Beethoven  Johann Sebastian Bach, zweistimmige Invention Nr. 11 BWV 782, Abschrift Beethovens  Registrazioni 
 15. Elizabeth Parcells & Felix Justen  Ich steh an deiner Krippen hier by JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH  Hodie Christus Natus Est 
 16. Elizabeth Parcells  Hoechster mache Deine Guete from Cantata 51 by JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH  In Concert 
 17. Dinu Lipatti  Johann Sebastian Bach / Cantata, BWV 147 - Choral: 'Jesu bleibet meine  Great Recordings of the Century 
 18. Johann Sebastian Bach  Fuga in Si bemolle minore, numero 22 dal Cavicembalo ben temperato di Johann Sebastian Bach  Registrazioni 
 19. Ludwig van Beethoven  Johann Sebastian Bach, Inventionen f?r Klavier, dreistimmige Sinfonie Nr. 3 BWV 789, Abschrift Beethovens  Registrazioni 
 20. Apollo Symphony Orchestra  Magnificat - Choral religious celebration. Intricate vocal harmonies. Baroque, Religious. Johann Sebastian Bach . Performed by the Apollo Symphony Orchestra.  Sounddogs.com 
 21. Apollo Symphony Orchestra  O Sacred Head Sore Wounded - Famous hymn sung here in German. Also known as the Passion Chorale 7676D Baroque, Religious. Johann Sebastian Bach . Performed by the Apollo Symphony Orchestra.  Sounddogs.com 
 22. Apollo Symphony Orchestra  Air On A G String - One of the most recognisable pieces of music in the world. Soothing violin sings out over string sections with consistent bass accompaniment. Baroque, Suite. Johann Sebastian Bach  Sounddogs.com 
 23. Apollo Symphony Orchestra  Air On A G String - One of the most recognisable pieces of music in the world. Soothing violin sings out over string sections with consistent bass accompaniment. Baroque, Suite. Johann Sebastian Bach  Sounddogs.com 
 24. Elizabeth Parcells & Felix Jus  Bist du bei mir by JOHANN SEBA  More Songs 
 25. Sebastian Bach  Sebastian Bach/Eddie Trunk PT.  Frameshift 2 Special 
 26. atodorock  Programa: Sebastian Bach, Skid Row, Axel Rose, Subte Cielo, Aerosmith.  A Todo Rock Podcast 
 27. Chris Breemer  Bach - BWV 623 - Orgelbüchlein - Wir danken dir, Herr Jesu Christ, daß du für uns gestorben bist   
 28. Chris Breemer  Bach - BWV 623 - Orgelbüchlein - Wir danken dir, Herr Jesu Christ, daß du für uns gestorben bist   
 29. American Bach Soloists  American Bach Soloists - J.S. Bach - CD1 - Mass in B Minor - [complete Magnatune album]  J.S. Bach - CD1 - Mass in B Minor 
 30. American Bach Soloists  American Bach Soloists - J.S. Bach - CD2 - Mass in B Minor - [complete Magnatune album]  J.S. Bach - CD2 - Mass in B Minor 
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